Movie Review #22:Dr.Seuss Horton Hears a Who

This movie is a tremendous piece of Dr.Seuss.One thing is certain,each person had their own social piece of society,from protestants,assassins,politicians and anarchists.And about Kangaroo’s quote about not existing small people is kind of wrong to me.I believe that there are people as small as bacterias or even atoms that they do exist.

Movie Quote #21:

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot.Nothing is going to get better.It’s not. -The Lorax- my last quote is about the lorax,a mystical creature made to take care of the forest.This character is a bit peachy when rules are involved but he actually does it for the safety of not just the animals,if … More Movie Quote #21:

Movie Quote #20:

Chewie,we’re home. Han Solo (Star Wars Vll:The force Awakens) Han Solo is my greatest character in the star wars trilogy.Ever since star wars four,he’s like the most funny yet important person star wars had.And of course he pilots the Millenium Falcon.It’s sad he died.Goodbye Han Solo.